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Kaapro HR Consultancy in India providing recruitment, staffing, consultancy, outsourcing as well as payroll management

Tips to boost employee motivation during Covid19?

As the world moves through an unprecedented crisis of COVID19 pandemic, how to boost employee motivation has become more important as well as challenging than ever before. So, as a considerate HR Consultancy, we’ve listed the employee morale tips, tricks, and ideas that can help your employees navigate the next normal in the work environment.

Explore them here:

COMMUNICATION: Communicate clearly, simply and consistently

How organizations communicate everything to employees during this crisis can bring clarity, build resilience, and catalyze positive change.

  • Adopt an ‘Open Door Policy’ to keep communication open: Encourage employees to speak up on various issues. Such as – their “work from home” experiences, which can also help your organization, find ways to better support them.
  • Send regular email messages to your employees and reassure them that their role is essential, whatever that may be.
  • Tell employees the next steps the company is taking to adjust to a new set of norms.
  • Communicate Covid19 pandemic-related information and safety tips in a timely and personal manner to educate the employees and reduce anxiety.
  • Be truthful about job security. So that employees will work more comfortably if their jobs are secure.

FLEXIBILITY: Be prepared to adapt to the evolving landscape

Employers must be empathetic, understanding and flexible as workers try to navigate the unexpected changes to their lives. Here’re a few ways for employers to embrace Flexibility-

  • Refrain from enforcing any rigid procedures. Or try to relax some procedures, if possible.
  • Allow flexible work hours or remote work for the employees having kids to look after, due to daycare and school closure.

COMPASSION:  Foster an environment of positivity and joy, as employees work both from office and remotely

Take your Team members’ minds off the stressful news regarding the pandemic and let them know that their employer is compassionate about what they are going through, by-

  • Giving employees up to an hour each day to do something positive for their physical or mental health; such as reading a book, going on a walk, taking a workout session or doing a meditation (anything except work).
  • Designing fun and inclusive events for employees in office.
  • Implementing a company-wide initiative, in which all of your employees can participate. Make it more fun by creating a recognition program around it and make it transparent to the whole organization.
  • Giving your remote employees a surprise gift card, care packages or meal voucher is a great way to boost their morale.

LEADERSHIP: Highlight the positive and maintain transparency to restore confidence

Employees look to their leaders and model their behavior especially in times of crisis. Employees want to hear the words of support and encouragement from the ones that are leading the company and have a better understanding of the influence the crisis has on the organization. So it’s the Leader’s responsibility to 

  • Encourage healthy habits and keeping positive frame of mind.
  • Understand the stakeholders while establishing a clear vision and long- term goals, as to how the company’s mission statement and values will continue to drive strategy of the business.
  • Include employees in the change management – If your business is considering major changes, then communicate it to your employees and if possible, also involve them in the process.

For example, if you are developing a new solution that eliminates challenges that the pandemic has brought to us, give your employees the opportunity to participate. Encourage your employees to share their ideas and lead their implementation. That way, you can make their work more meaningful and thereby boost their morale. 

TECHNOLOGY: Implement new technologies to enable remote work

As the COVID19 is driving digital transformation at the workplace, it is impossible to ensure business continuity in next normal without the right technology in place. So,

  • Ensure using the right technologies during the pandemic, which enhances your employees’ communication, collaboration and project management
  • Make the most of technology to introduce Easy, fun games to distract your employees from the stress.

Sailing through the current crisis of Covid19 is never easy for any organization; but how supportive an employer remained during the crisis, will always be remembered in the time to come.

Consult HR Consultancy in India, Kaapro for guidance in boosting employee motivation.

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